호주 정부, 세계 3위 항공사 인수 가능

호주 정부는 파산 전문가들이 문제에 시달리는 호주 항공사의 매수자를 찾지 못할 경우, 호주에서 세 번째로 큰 항공사를 국유화할 준비를 하고 있다.

리저널 익스프레스는 작년 7월 자발적 관리에 들어갔습니다. 호주 정부는 Regional Express에 대한 입찰에는 참여하지 않을 것이라고 밝혔지만, 관리 기관인 EY가 매수자를 찾지 못할 경우 개입할 것이라고 밝혔습니다.

리저널 익스프레스는 관리에 들어갔을 당시 시장 가치가 약 6,400만 달러였습니다. 해당 회사의 주가는 2020년 12월 이후 75% 이상 하락했습니다.






Australian government may buy the country’s third-largest airline

The Australian government is ready to nationalize the country’s third-largest airline, provided that bankruptcy management experts cannot find a buyer for the troubled Australian airline.

Regional Express entered voluntary administration in July last year. The Australian government said it would not bid for Regional Express, but would step in if administrator EY could not find a buyer.

Regional Express had a market value of about A$64 million when it entered administration. Since December 2020, the company’s stock price has fallen by more than 75%.

Trump adviser: Australia is “killing” the U.S. aluminum market

A senior trade adviser to U.S. President Trump said Australia is “killing” the U.S. aluminum market and that the Australian prime minister’s efforts to obtain an exemption from U.S. steel and aluminum tariffs, which will take effect next month, may be in vain. On Tuesday, Australian Prime Minister Albanese spoke with Trump by phone, and Albanese said Trump agreed to consider exempting Australia from steel and aluminum tariffs.

Albanese has been under intense pressure from local lawmakers and business executives to obtain an exemption before the May 17 election. Navarro, a senior U.S. trade and manufacturing adviser, accused Australian exporters of flooding the U.S. market and violating the trade agreement between the two countries. “Australia is killing our aluminum market,” Navarro said. “President Trump said, no, no, we will not accept the status quo anymore.” “They are flooding our market.” “This is what we are dealing with. Our aluminum industry is at risk.”



アルバネーゼ氏は、5月17日の選挙を前に免責特権を与えるよう地元議員や企業幹部から強い圧力を受けている。米国の貿易・製造業担当トップのナバロ氏は、オーストラリアの輸出業者が両国間の貿易協定に違反して米国市場に製品を氾濫させていると非難した。 「オーストラリアは我が国のアルミニウム市場を破壊している」とナバロ氏は語った。 「トランプ大統領は、もう現状は受け入れないと言った」と彼は語った。「彼らは我々の市場に殺到している」。「これが我々が対処している問題だ。我が国のアルミニウム産業は危険にさらされている」


オーストラリア議会は、2050年までに実質ゼロ排出量を達成することを目指すエネルギー転換計画を推進するため、重要な鉱物と再生可能水素の生産に対する減税措置を講じる法案を可決した。政府は、火曜日に可決された法律により、2028年6月から2040年までの会計年度において、プロジェクトごとに最大10年間、31の重要な鉱物の加工および精製コストに対して10%の減税が提供されると発表した。 「オーストラリアでこれらの鉱物をさらに加工することで、雇用を創出し、世界のサプライチェーンを多様化できる」とマデレーン・キング資源相は述べた。

Australia passes critical minerals tax incentives

The Australian parliament has passed laws that will provide production tax breaks for critical minerals and renewable hydrogen to boost its energy transition plan, which aims to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. The Australian government said the laws passed on Tuesday will provide a 10% tax break on the processing and refining costs of 31 critical minerals in the fiscal years ending June 2028 to 2040, for up to 10 years per project. “By processing more of these minerals in Australia, we will create jobs and diversify global supply chains,” said Resources Minister Madeleine King.

Premier ministre australien : disposé à discuter de « l’interdiction des réseaux sociaux pour les mineurs » avec Musk

Le Premier ministre australien Albanese a déclaré le 1er décembre qu’il était disposé à discuter de l’interdiction des réseaux sociaux pour les mineurs en Australie avec Musk, le propriétaire de la plateforme sociale X.

Le 28 novembre, le Sénat du Parlement fédéral australien a adopté un projet de loi interdisant aux mineurs de moins de 16 ans d’utiliser la plupart des plateformes de médias sociaux. La nouvelle loi devrait entrer en vigueur dans 12 mois.

“Elon Musk a un agenda et en tant que propriétaire de X, il a le pouvoir de faire avancer cet agenda”, a ajouté Albanese sur l’émission ABC.

Le projet de loi ne précise pas quelles plateformes seraient interdites. Cependant, la ministre australienne des Communications, Michelle Rowland, a déclaré précédemment que l’interdiction s’appliquait à Snapchat, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram et X.

Les entreprises qui ne prennent pas de mesures raisonnables pour empêcher les mineurs de moins de 16 ans d’utiliser leurs plateformes s’exposent à des amendes pouvant atteindre 49,5 millions de dollars australiens. L’homme le plus riche du monde, le PDG de Tesla et propriétaire de X, Elon Musk, s’est opposé à plusieurs reprises à l’interdiction australienne.



11月28日、オーストラリア連邦議会上院は、16歳未満の未成年者によるほとんどのソーシャルメディアプラットフォームの使用を禁止する法案を可決した。新しい法律は 12 か月以内に発効する予定です。




Australian PM: Willing to discuss “underage social media ban” with Musk

Australian Prime Minister Albanese said on December 1 that he was willing to discuss Australia’s social media ban on minors with Musk, the owner of social platform X.

On November 28, the Senate of the Australian Federal Parliament passed a bill to ban minors under the age of 16 from using most social media platforms. The new law is due to take effect in 12 months.

“Elon Musk, he has his own agenda, and as the owner of X, he has the right to advance this agenda,” Albanese added on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s program.

The bill does not specify which platforms will be banned. However, Australian Communications Minister Michelle Rowland previously stated that the ban applies to Snapchat, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram and X.

Companies that fail to take reasonable measures to prevent minors under the age of 16 from using their platforms will face fines of up to 49.5 million Australian dollars. Elon Musk, the world’s richest man, Tesla CEO and X owner, has repeatedly opposed Australia’s ban.