Monthly Archives: November 2024








Pacific Island Countries: Australia “does not keep its promise”

At the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting that opened in Samoa on the 24th, several Pacific Island countries particularly emphasized that Australia should make more efforts to phase out fossil fuel exports.

According to reports, Tuvalu Prime Minister Feleti Te’o, together with senior officials from Vanuatu and Fiji, supported a new report of the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative, which highlighted the important role played by Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom in global emissions.

The report pointed out that since 1990, the emissions generated by fossil fuels mined by these three countries accounted for 60% of such emissions in Commonwealth countries, even though they only accounted for 6% of the Commonwealth population.

The report’s conclusions also pointed out that “fossil fuel mining is seriously unbalanced” and criticized the climate commitments of these countries for contradicting their efforts to expand fossil fuel production, especially Australia and Canada.

The report also stated that earlier this year, Te’o approved a treaty with Australia to strengthen immigration and security ties between the two countries and mitigate the impact of climate change. He further called on Australia to phase out fossil fuel production, warning that the current policies of major polluters were tantamount to a “death sentence” for his country.

“Australia has an obligation to ensure that any action it takes does not undermine the commitments it has made in terms of climate impact,” Mr Te’o told a news conference in the Samoan capital of Apia.

호주 Westpac Bank, 10억 달러(A$) 규모의 자사주 매입 프로그램 확대

호주의 Westpac은 9월 30일에 마감된 회계연도에 연간 수익이 3% 감소한 69억 9천만 달러(46억 2천만 달러)를 기록했다고 보고했습니다. 비용 상승과 모기지 시장의 경쟁 심화로 인해 말이죠. 호주중앙은행은 2025년 통화정책 완화로 전환할 가능성이 높기 때문에 주택과 기업 신용에 대한 수요가 계속 강세를 보일 것으로 예상했다.

동시에 Westpac은 자사주 매입 프로그램을 10억 달러(A$) 늘렸습니다. 2022년 5월부터 호주중앙은행은 현금 금리를 4.35%로 425bp 인상했습니다.



同時にウエストパックも自社株買いプログラムを10億豪ドル増額した。 2022年5月以降、オーストラリア準備銀行はキャッシュレートを425ベーシスポイント引き上げて4.35%とした。

Australia’s Westpac Bank increases A$1 billion share buyback program

Australia’s Westpac Banking Corp. reported a 3% drop in annual profit to A$6.99 billion (US$4.62 billion) in its fiscal year ended September 30, mainly affected by rising costs and increased competition in the mortgage market. The bank expects housing and business credit demand to remain strong as the Reserve Bank of Australia may shift to an accommodative monetary policy in 2025.

At the same time, Westpac Bank also increased its buyback program by A$1 billion. The Reserve Bank of Australia has raised the cash rate by 425 basis points to 4.35% since May 2022.